Mar 18 - Source Reliability

Today we will...

1. learn to locate information about a source that helps determine its credibility and reliability (eg. publisher, date, author, kind of journal)
2. categorize sources along a spectrum of credibility (not credible, credible / not academic, scholarly / academic / peer-reviewed)
3. concisely explain source reliability in a few written sentences

Source Credibility

When you write your IRP, there are some websites that you may use as sources. At least, you will need an organization website that provides two solutions. The question is, how can you decide whether the website you use is credible or not?

Let's take a look at 3 websites. Talk to the person next to you and decide whether they are credible sources to use for research papers.
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3

It may be difficult to decide the credibility of a website source sometimes, so we need some guidelines that help us make the decision.

Check Source Reliability

Here are another three websites. Again, talk to your partners and follow the checklist to decide if those websites are reliable sources.
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3

In Addition

We have looked at the different ways to determine the credibility of website sources, how do you judge the credibility of articles and journals? Here are some tips you can use.

Preview of Annotated Bibliography

This is going to be your third major assignment for this course, and I will give you a little preview and let you know what you will be doing.

Here is a sample Annotated Bibliography.


Please continue working on your portfolio. Submit it on Compass 2g by the deadline.

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