Feb 20 - Peer Perception & Avoiding Plagiarism

Today we will...

1. do peer perception and give feedback to each other's paper.
2. make a brief introduction to the plagiarism prevention tutorial on Compass 2g

Plagiarism Prevention Tutorial

Please go to Compass 2g and see if you have access to the tutorial.
Remember, you need to study by yourself and do all the exercises on the tutorial.
We are going to have a Avoiding Plagiarism Certification Test next Friday, Feb 27. It is better for your pass it one time; otherwise, you will need to take a remedial test. If you fail both the certification test and the remedial test, you will automatically fail the course.

Peer Perception

Please use the Peer Perception Handout as a guidance when you read and give feedback to others' papers.
You can also refer to the Grading Rubric.


Don't forget the deadline for final draft of Diagnostic Paper and the Analysis paper. Have a great weekend.

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