Jan 23 - Diagnostic Exam

We are having the Diagnostic Exam today!!! Yeah!!!

I know that you guys are so excited about this exam. Remember, this is just a diagnostic exam with no grade assigned, and the purpose is for me to target the weaknesses you have in writing and help you with them. Here are some rules to remember when you take the exam and write the essay:

1. You have 50 minutes to write the essay. When you finish, please go to Compass 2g to submit it.

2. No plagiarism is allowed in the exam. You will have to give credit to the original author if you need to use information from the article. However, no formal citation is required. If you are caught plagiarizing, you will look exactly like this poor little kitty in the picture.

3. You are not allowed to use the internet or any type of dictionary.

4. After the exam, you will have to turn in all the articles and scratch papers you have used during the test.

Any questions? If no, please go ahead and get started.

Good luck to all of you! And enjoy it!

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