Jan 30 - Thesis Statement

Today we will...

1. learn to identify the essential components of an effective thesis statement
2. learn to write an effective thesis statement for your paper

Thesis Statement

What is a thesis statement?
Why do we need it in our writings?

First, let's take a look at the following 2 samples.

Now, let's see what Purdue Owl says about thesis statement.

Parallel Structure

Usually, when we compose thesis statement, we need to conform to the "Parallel Structure".

But what does Parallel Structure mean?

Get Your Hands on It

Now, let's practice writing thesis statements with what we have just learned.

Please open this Thesis Writing Practice and work with your partner to compose thesis statements.

Answer Keys

1. Answer Key to the 2 writing samples.
2. Answer Key to the Parallel Structure.
3. Answer Key to the Thesis Writing Practice.


1. Please do the exercises on Thesis Statement 1 and Thesis Statement 2 in the Writer's Help ebook as a review of the content we covered today in class.
2. Please revise the thesis statement of your Diagnostic Essay in the shared Googledrive folder.

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